
Browse this page to read success stories from people who have received auditing from a certified auditor. Auditing provides a precise path to eliminate the aftereffects of life's painful experiences and restore happiness and ability. Auditor is defined as “one who listens,” from the Latin audire, meaning to hear or listen.

Learn more about auditing.

“My anxiety has drastically decreased and I feel I have much more control over my life.”

“I cannot begin to explain how much South Coast Mission has helped me to improve my life emotionally and mentally. After receiving auditing, my anxiety has drastically decreased and I feel I have much more control over my life.

“My thoughts are clearer; my outlook is brighter and I have so much more ability and desire to live life and make it everything it can be.”

Dr. Vanessa Smith, DACM Dana Point, CA
“I used to have a lot of issues with self-confidence and motivation”

“I did Self Analysis auditing and it was very successful for me. I used to have a lot of issues with self-confidence and motivation and things like that. When I started to do the counseling, the first thing that surprised me was what was on my mind.

“The auditing made me see a lot of situations that were not optimum for me, but it did it gently and gradually so that I was able to overcome them. By the end of it I felt like a new person. It was awesome.”

Alejandro Irvine, CA
“I can think clearer and handle life better”

“The auditing experience has allowed me to recover my ability to enjoy life, which has caused me to feel soooo much better. I can now think clearer and can handle life better.”

Nancy Pomona, CA
“As well as getting rid of my personal insecurities, auditing helped me to grow to be a successful chiropractor and business owner.”

“The auditing I received at South Coast Mission was amazing. As well as getting rid of my personal insecurities, the auditing helped me to grow to be a successful chiropractor and business owner. Since my time there, my life has continued to improve.

“I love the staff at South Coast Mission. They are competent, caring and 100% dedicated to the people who go there. I highly recommend.”

Benjamin Horning, DC
Laguna Hills, CA
“I was really shy and extremely introverted”

“Although I had a pretty good life up to the point of doing Self Analysis, I didn’t actually feel that I was living a good life. I was really shy and extremely introverted. I used to get very embarrassed very easily and I had a hard time making friends. For someone in high school, these were very big problems for me.

“I was offered Self Analysis auditing to give me some relief, and I accepted. And I’m so glad I did!! I was so stuck in times in my life of loss and pain that I didn’t realize I had way more happy moments in my life than sad ones. And when I was able to shift my attention toward these happy moments, no matter how small (like driving fast to school or finishing my 7th grade science project or remembering the smell of my campsite in the early morning), my whole perception of my life changed too.

“In Self Analysis auditing you are directed to remember many moments and things of your past. At first I didn’t fully understand what was happening during the auditing or how it was supposed to help me, but as time went on I had more and more relief and realizations about myself.

“I remember floundering to find the right answers in my memories when I first started the Self Analysis. Then I was able to find them faster and with more confidence. Then I was smiling with every response, until I was laughing with every response, until my realization hit me like a ton of bricks!!: ‘I have an amazing life!!!’

“And truly, I did have a good life. And I know that because I have all these happy moments that just became so much more real by focusing on different perceptions in them. This totally shifted how I was able to experience life going forward. I smiled more. I became more confident. And I became more aware of happy moments as they were happening. Life had turned into something to celebrate!!”

Robyn Irvine, CA
“My auditing addressed many personal fears and anxieties that blunted my quality of living on a daily basis.”

“My auditing addressed many personal fears and anxieties that blunted my quality of living on a daily basis. I think a lot of people would agree and say that they have anxieties they cope with internally whether it be a fear of riding elevators, being on a plane, or a fear of death. And it’s fine to live with some anxiety, it’s part of life, but not be covered by a blanket of terror that keeps you disconnected from the world.

“I wanted to be brave and energetic like how I was when I was little. Auditing handled that for me. I’m the best me now, thanks to the help I’ve gotten from Scientology.”

Brady Newport Coast, CA
“Self Analysis auditing has given me back so much self-confidence and happiness”

“It seemed like I had it all. Living in Hawaii, in a big house, with a nice family and lots of friends. But on the inside, I was miserable. I decided to get Self Analysis auditing.

“I love Self-Analysis auditing. It is so simple yet extraordinarily powerful. The auditing gave me back so much self-confidence and happiness and I feel good about myself and my life now.”

Julia Honolulu, Hawaii
“I finally understood why I had negative thoughts, self-doubts and fears.”

“In Self Analysis auditing I finally understood why I would have negative thoughts, self-doubts and fears. I realized that those were not natural, I did not have to have them and they were not part of who I really am. And that it was possible to get rid of them.

“I was able to spot toxic people that I had been involved with in my life. This allowed me to untangle myself from the negative influences they had left on me. This really made a huge difference to me!

“I had so many more realizations and changes. I used to have some nervousness meeting new people. Now, I am interested in people. That’s a HUGE change for me! I didn’t t even realize how much of a problem it was. It made sense why I was feeling lonely, as if I had no friends. I am much happier with that aspect of myself and my life. Overall, doing this program allowed me to feel much more at ease socially.

“One striking change that happened is I felt my creativity and imagination improved. I felt like I could use my creative mind once again and do art, interior design or sculpture on a completely new plateau. Up to that point I had pretty much given up on doing art all together!

“By the end of the program, I felt more alive and ‘fresh’, as if I had a new outlook on life. I would recommend anyone to do the Self Analysis program, get started right away and just keep going!”

Andrey Santa Ana, CA
“I was quick tempered, and would get angry and annoyed at the slightest little things.”

“Prior to my auditing program, I was quick tempered, and would get angry and annoyed at the slightest little things. I would keep a lot of these things inside, and it made me generally unhappy and often grouchy.

“The program I did at South Coast Mission has helped me to be calmer, happier and have a better outlook on life. It has allowed me to think more clearly and not react negatively to situations that arise around me. I’m definitely living a better life as a result of my auditing!”

Lance Tustin, CA
“The auditing has given me back my ability to control parts of my life that I felt I had no control over.”

“The auditing has given me back my ability to control parts of my life that I felt I had no control over. It gave me the ability to focus more as I was no longer just focusing on my problems, such as money.

“It also made me feel more comfortable with my body, which allowed me to make the changes I needed that led me to losing weight! I really hope others get the opportunity to do auditing at South Coast Mission as it can truly give you more control over your life!”

Bruce Irvine, CA
“My auditing was life changing!”

“My auditing was life changing! I know with certainty my gains will not be lost and my life will continue to improve.

“My auditor is awesome. Thanks to everyone that helped me get here. I couldn’t have done it without your help.”

Jordan Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
“I have learned how to handle the struggles in my relationships and how to make them better”

“Auditing has relieved me of the negative influences of my distant and recent past. I feel free to be my best self and can handle relationships a lot better. I have learned to handle the struggles in my relationships and how to make them better.

“I take personal responsibility for the success and even failures that have occured in my life. I am confident the failures will be few, if any. I have been treated with the utmost care and concern in every area. I am grateful for the experience and I am looking forward to continuing!”

“My girlfriend and I have been a lot happier together and conversing a lot more without fighting.”

“My auditing program has changed me for the better. I’ve found that I am able to communicate better without any second thought to what I mean to say. My girlfriend and I have been a lot happier together and conversing a lot more without fighting.

“I also find myself a lot more productive at work, giving positive directions and following through with them. Overall, I feel less stressed, more confident to understand and take control of the things that were holding me back. Thank you!”

“There were a lot of memories and thoughts that were holding me from even making steps to meet my full potential.”

“In my auditing program, we talked about things that I didn’t know were even holding me back. There were a lot of memories and thoughts that were holding me from even making steps to meet my full potential. A lot of things were needed to be talked about and freed from. I feel so much better. It is extremely hard to choose one or two things I liked most about my experience. I felt extremely cared for by my auditor and my experience was simply amazing.”

“I’ve visited my past pain and anger without fear.”

“With my auditor's help and guidance through the auditing session, I’ve visited my past pain and anger without fear.”

“I was able to let go of the pain I was carrying.”

“During my auditing, I had so many amazing realizations. Everything I came to face with, I was able to completely face it and let go of the pain I was carrying. It was not like anything I had experienced before. I look forward to continuing further auditing and achieving more and more wins!”

“I have been relieved of the negative influences of my distant and recent past.”

“When I arrived here I felt somewhat desperate to find solutions to my personality issues that I was convinced were of great detriment to my personal professional success. I am now convinced my life has been repaired. I have been relieved of the negative influences of my distant and recent past. I feel free to be my best self and I am completely convinced that the auditing has worked and I am so encouraged.”

“I learned a lot about myself and have more understanding of who I really am.”

“I feel so much better now after my program. I learned a lot about myself and have more understanding of who I really am. I have had several realizations that I know are life-changing. I am very grateful.”

“It has had positive impacts throughout my life from my relationships to my work, but mostly my mental health.”

“Coming here and doing this program has been wonderful for me. It has had positive impacts throughout my life from my relationships to my work, but mostly my mental health. I really feel like my auditor has genuine interest in my wellbeing.”
